Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Elementary Education and Educational Innovations |
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Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Elementary Education of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, winner in the nomination Young Scientist of the Year (2012), laureate of the Myroslav Stelmakhovich Pedagogical Award (2022).
Expert and jury in the Literature for Children and Youth nomination for literary competitions and awards (Big Hedgehog, Coronation of the Word, Kalmius, Book Award “Espresso: Reader’s Choice”, All-Ukrainian Literary Award named after Vsevolod Nestaykо), author and organizer of promotion project children’s reading (“Creative interactive reading”, “Literary Cavalier”, “Literary Academy”, etc.).
Member of the International Research Society For Children’s Literature (IRSCL), Head of the Ivano-Frankivsk branch of the Ukrainian Research Center of Children and Youth Literature
She is the author of the monographs “Trends in the development of Ukrainian prose for children and adolescents of the beginning of the XXI century”, “Artistic features of Ukrainian women’s prose of the 80-90s of the XX century”, textbooks “Ukrainian Literature for Children and Youth”, “Foreign Literature for Children”(co-authored), “Literary education”, “Academic rhetoric” and educational and methodological manuals for students and publications of a literary, scientific-methodical and literary-critical nature.
Within working hours, Tetiana Kachak conducts research work “Problems of Literature Research for Children and Youth” (state registration number in MES of Ukraine 0116 U 003616). Her work includes lectures and teaching support for the disciplines “Children’s Literature”, “Foreign Children’s Literature”, “Literary Education of primary school students”, “Children’s Literature with Methods of Literary Reading”.
Research topics – “Artistic and aesthetic paradigm of modern Ukrainian prose for children and youth”, “Literary education and children’s reading”, “Digital tools of literary education”.
The object of scientific interest is the theory, history and criticism of Ukrainian and foreign literature for children and youth; comparative analysis of national literature for children; literary education of schoolchildren and students; implementation of IT technologies in language and literature education.
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”Main publications” disabled=”no” anchor=”” url=”” target=”blank” class=””]MAJOR PUBLICATIONS
Web of Sсience та Scopus
- Kachak Tetiana.(2022). Social Orphanhood in Contemporary Ukrainian Literature for Children and Young People. Libri & Liberi. 2022. Vol. 11 (1). P. 13-33. DOI:10.21066/carcl.libri.11.1.1.
- Кachak, Т. B. Digital instruments of literary education of future primary school teachers in the conditions of distance learning. Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 2021. 86(6), 144–169.
- Kachak, T., Blyznyuk, T., Krul, L., Voloshchuk, H., & Lytvyn, N. Children’s literature research: receptive-aesthetic aspect. Apuntes Universitarios, 2022. 12 (3). Р. 76 – 93. DOI: 10.17162/AU.V12I3.1104
- Budnyk, O., Kachak, T., Blyznyuk, T., Rostykus, N., & Boiko, H. Printed and e-book: problems of choice of modern students of the university. Revista Tempos E Espaços Em Educação. 2021. 14(33), e15913.
- Lemko, H., Kachak, T., Voroshchuk, O., Didukh, I., Mochan, T., & Bai, I. (2021). Formação de valores morais nos alunos: métodos eficazes do diagnostico. Laplage Em Revista, 2021. 7(3B), p. 556-568.
Individual monographs
- Kachak T. Trends in the Development of the Ukrainian Fiction for Children and Youth at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Monograph. Kyiv: VC «Akademvydav», 2018. 320 p.
- Kachak T. Artistic features of women’s prose of the 80s and 90s of the 20th century. Ternopil: Educational book – Bohdan, 2008.
- Kachak Tetiana, Kachak Khrystyna. Mind Maps as a Tool for Visualization and Structuring of Linguistic and Literary Material in the Process of Teaching Students. Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Vol. 9, No. 1 (Apr. 2022), 92-100. DOI:
- Blyznyuk Tetyana, Kachak Tetiana, Dutka Iryna. Formation of value orientations of school students in the context of language and literature education and distance learning. Scientific-pedagogical journal “Educational Horizons”. 2022. № 2 (23). P. 19-21.
- Blyznyuk Tetyana, Kachak Tetiana. Еffective means of formation of socio-cultural competence of junior school children. Mountain school of Ukrainian Carpathians: scientific and methodical journal. 2021.Vol. 25. С. 48-52.
- Blyznyuk T., Budnyk О., Kachak Т. Boom in distance learning during the coronavirus pandemic: challenges and possibilities. Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. 2021. Vol. 8, No. 1. Р. 90 – 98.
- Kachak T., Blyznyuk T. Contemporary Ukrainian literature for children and youth in the context of multiculturalism as an educational practice. Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Vol 5, No 1, 2018, p. 128 – 135.
- Kachak T. The Theme of Death in Ukrainian Literature for Children: Artistic Peculiarities (based on Halyna Kyrpa’s story My Dad Has Become a Star). Studia polsko-ukrainskie, nr 5. Warszawa: Wydział Lingwistyki Stosowanej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2018. 161 – 174.
- Kachak T. Children of the Post-communist Period in Contemporary Ukrainian Literature for Young Readers. Miscellanea Posttotalitariana Wratislaviensia» Special Issue, vol. II, Post-communist children’s cultures in Central, Eastern, and Southeast Europe, No 7, 2017, p. 35 – 48. DOI:
- Kachak T. Artistic Representations of Autobiographical Memory in Contemporary Ukrainian Prose for Children and Youth. Slavica Wratislaviensia. Wielkie tematy kultury w literaturach słowiańskich. Pamięć. Tom 173, 2020, p. 278 – 286. DOI:
- Kachak T. Thanatos motifs in contemporary Ukrainian prose for children and young adult”. Slavica Wratislaviensia. Wielkie tematy kultury w literaturach słowiańskich. 168. Wrocław : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2019, p. 207-217. DOI:
- Kachak T. The Ukrainian literature for children and youth: textbook. Kyiv: VC “Akademiya”, 2018. 352 p.
- Kachak T. Academic rhetoric: a textbook. Ivano-Frankivsk, City-NV, 2022. 212 p.
- Kachak T. Literary reading teaching methods as a component of the integrated course “Children’s literature and literary reading teaching methods”: Course of lectures. Ivano-Frankivsk: Symphony forte, 2020. 172 p.
- Kachak T. Ukrainian literature. Textbook for the 5th grade of NUSH, K.: VC “Akademiya”, 2022. 274 p. (co-authored with O. Tebeshevska). Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
- Kachak T. Foreign literature for children: a textbook. K.: Akademvydav, 2014. 416 p. (in co-authorship with L. Krul) Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
- Adventures and travels in the school literature course: manual. of the “School Library” series for 7th grade. closing general among. of education / comp. Tetyana Kachak, Oksana Tebeshevska. Kyiv: VC “Akademiya”, 2021. 208 p. Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
- Fiction and reality in the school literature course: manual. of the “School Library” series for 7th grade. closing general among. education / editor: Tetyana Kachak, Oksana Tebeshevska. Kyiv: VC “Academy”, 2020. 224 p. Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
- Kachak T. Children’s literature with a method of teaching literary reading. Guidelines. Ivano-Frankivsk: Symphony forte, 2020. 62 p.
- Kachak T. Academic rhetoric. Guidelines. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2023. 84 p.
- Kachak T. Literary education of younger schoolchildren Methodical recommendations. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2023. 62 p.
- Kachak T. Updating the content of literary education of schoolchildren: theoretical and practical aspects. Strategies of the Ukrainian literature course in a secondary school: educational and methodological manual / T. Kachak et al.; under the editorship O. Yablonska. Lutsk: Nadstryya, 2021. P. 4-30.
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”Activity” disabled=”no” anchor=”” url=”” target=”blank” class=””]
Tetiana Kachak reads the course “Children’s Literature and Methods of Teaching Literary Reading”, “Literary education of primary school students”, “Academic rhetoric”, directs course and master’s works.
Under the leadership of Tetiana Kachak, in 2018, student Andriana Yamnych (III place), in 2019 – Liliya Luzhna (III place), in 2020 – Iryna Strelchenko (I place), in 2021 – Nataliya Fedora (III place) became prize-winners of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works.
Tetiana Kachak created and manages the student research group “Research Center of Children and Youth Literature”. As part of the group’s work, students prepare projects and write scientific papers devoted to the problems of interpretation of contemporary children’s literature, development of children’s reading, methods of teaching literary reading, promotion of children’s books, etc. The results of scientific work with students are the participation of members of the circle in scientific conferences, scientific and methodological seminars, published articles in collections of scientific works (“Actual problems of language and literary education and artistic and aesthetic development of younger schoolchildren”, “Information bulletin of the department of professional methods and technologies of primary of education”, “Educational innovation. Innowacje edukacyjne: Ukrainian-Polish collection of student research papers” etc.)
As part of the Center’s activities, various events are held to popularize reading and develop the reading culture of children and youth. “Creative interactive reading”, “Literary quests”, meetings with contemporary writers Zirka Menzatyuk, Maria Morozenko, Vasyl Teremko, Serhii Hrydin, Oleksandr Gavrosh, Olena Ryzhko, Valya Zakhabura, Andriy Bachynskyi, Oksana Saiko, Stepan Protsyuk, Natalya Trish, Roksolana Zharkova, Halyna Rys and other writers within the “Literary Academy” project, presentation game “Literary Cavalierka”.
The “Literary Cavalierka” is the author’s project of Tetiana Kachak, aimed at the development of children’s and youth reading, the popularization of contemporary Ukrainian books, and is implemented with the aim of drawing society’s attention to the problems of the formation of the culture of the young generation.
[/su_tab][su_tab title=”Contacts” disabled=”no” anchor=”” url=”” target=”blank” class=””]E-mail:
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education
Ivano-Frankivsk, Bandery St., 1; room 706.