Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Primary Education |
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1977 – 1981 studied at the Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute. OHM. Gorky specialty – pedagogy and psychology (preschool), qualification – teacher of preschool pedagogy and psychology, methodologist in preschool education.
1981 – 1990 worked at preschool institutions in Ivano-Frankivsk as a preschool teacher and head of a preschool educational institution.
1990 – 2007 assistant professor, then assistant professor, department of theory and methods of preschool education.
1995 – was awarded the scientific degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (specialty 13.00.02 – theory and teaching methods (Ukrainian language)). Topic: «Methodology of speech development of older preschool children based on the texts of Ukrainian folk games».
1997 he was awarded the title of Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool Education and Child Health.
2003 – received her second higher education in the specialty «Ukrainian language and literature» at the Carpathian University named after M. Vasily Stefanik.
2006 awarded the scientific degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (specialty 13.00.02 – Theory and Method of Learning (Ukrainian).
2007 – 2016 head of the department of mathematical and natural sciences of primary education.
2008 – was awarded the title of Professor of the department of mathematical and natural disciplines of primary education.
2016 – 2022 head of the department of professional methods and technologies of primary education.
2023 – professor of the department of primary education.
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”Main publications” disabled=”no” anchor=”” url=”” target=”blank” class=””]Scientific publications
- The influence of the Ukrainian folk game on the development of childrens speech. Actual problems of the Ukrainian national preschool / Collective monograph edited by M.G. Stelmakhovich. Ivano-Frankivsk, 1995. P. 212-232.
- Speech and game activity of preschool children Monograph. / N.I. Lutsan, Odesa: PNC APN of Ukraine – SVD M.P. Cherkasov, 2005. 319 p.
- Development of childrens speech by means of folk games Monograph / N.I. Lutsan. Odesa: SVD M.P. Cherkasov, 2007. 255 p.
- Lutsan N.I. Development of childrens speech in game activities. Tutorial. Ivano-Frankivsk: VDV CIT, 2008. 168p.
- Scientific school of Academician Alla Bogush. Monograph / Compiler and editor-in-chief. A.M. Bogush. K.: Slovo Publishing House, 2009. author. P. 77-85. P. 229-234.
- Lutsan N.I. Decorative and applied art and basics of design. Tutorial. 2nd edition. K.: Slovo Publishing House, 2010. 172p. Vulture of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine.
- Lutsan N.I. «Man and the world» in innovative pedagogical technologies. Tutorial. K.: Slovo Publishing House, 2012. 184p. Vulture of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine.
- Lutsan N.I. Speech and game activities of preschoolers: speech games. Situations, exercises. The second edition, supplemented. Study guide / A.M. Bogush, N.I. Lutsan. K.: Slovo Publishing House, 2012. 304 p. Vulture of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine.
- Personality development of a preschool child in various activities: monograph / A.M. Bogush, N.G. Grama, N.I. Lutsan. Odesa: ed. Bukaev VV, 2013. 236 p.
- Competency approach in modern primary education: experience and prospects //collective monograph edited by Lutsan N.I. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2015. 256 p.
- Formation of students readiness to enrich the dictionary with ethnographic vocabulary of six-year-old students: monograph / N.I.Lutsan, A.V.Zharovska. Ivano-Frankivsk, «NAIR». 2015. 286 p.
- Preparation of older preschool children with visual impairment for schooling. Monograph / N.I. Lutsan, V. M. Vertugina. Ivano-Frankivsk, «NAIR», 2016. 246 p.
- Methodology of teaching natural science in elementary school: study guide / Compiled by N.I. Lutsan. 3rd ed. revised and additional Ivano-Frankivsk.: NAIR, 2016. 192 p.
- Formation of pupils speech culture in the lessons of literary reading in primary school. Monograph / N.I. Lutsan, S. V. Verbeshchuk. Ivano-Frankivsk, «NAIR». 2018. 240 p.
- Formation of readiness of future specialists of preschool education for creative self-realization in professional activity. Monograph / N.I. Lutsan, V.V. Loves Ivano-Frankivsk, «NAIR». 2019. 280 p.
Patents: certificate of copyright registration for the work No. 11916 dated February 18, 2022. Study guide «Speech and game activities of preschoolers: speech games, situations, exercises» Lutsan Nadiya Ivanovna.
Valerii Budak, Lutsan Nadia, Tetiana Stepanova, Kateryna Shapochka, Anna Struk The Development of Coherent Speech in Elementary School Students in The Process of Constructive and Artistic Activity. ISSN 2307-7999. Propósitos y Representaciones Set., Vol. 8, N° 3, Web of Scince 2020 pp. 332-343.
Lutsan Nadia, Struk Anna, Liubyva Vitalina, Viacheslavivna, Kulish, Inna, Vertuhina Valentyna. The Readiness of Future Specialists of Preschool Education to Creative Self-Realization in Professional Activity. ISSN 2307-7999. Propósitos y Representaciones Set., Vol. 8, N° 3, Web of Scince 2020 pp.\
Lutsan N. Struk A., Barylo S., Bai I., Varvaruk M. Lexical and folk knowledge competence as a component of future primary school teachers professional speech. Revista Inclusiones. ISSN 0719-4706 Volume 7 Numero Especial Abril/Junio 2020 pp. 367-378.
Lutsan N.I., Struk A. V., Bulgakova O. Y., Vertuhina V. N., Verbeshchuk S. V. The transformative changes of inclusive education in Ukraine. J Adv Pharm Educ Res. 2020; 10(4):169-73.
Dronyuk I., Pasyeka M., Pasieka N., Sheketa V., Lutsan N., Kondur O. Mathematical models of formation and functioning of teams of software systems developers. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 1247 AISC, 2021, International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Education Applications, ICCSEEA 2020; Kiev; Ukraine; 22 January 2020; pp. 621-630 doi:10.1007/978-3-030-55506-1_55 ISSN
Pasieka N., Pasieka M., Khimchuk, L. Sheketa V., Romanyshyn, Y. Lutsan, N. Research of Dynamic Mathematical Models of Adaptation of Members of Teams of Developers of Infocommunication Systems. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Problems of Infocommunications Science and Technology, PIC S and T 2020 – Proceedings, 2021, pp. 249–254
Lutsan N., Struk A., Barylo S., Boryn G., Verbeshchuk S. Methodological approaches to the study of innovative forms of education. AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research Double-Blind Peer-Reviewed Volume 11, Issue 1, Special Issue XV., January, 2021 pp. 68-72.
Nadia Lutsan, Olena Bulgakova, Olena Kuznetsova, Olena Babchuk, Svitlana Bykova Professional mobility of the future teacher. AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research Double-Blind Peer-Reviewed Volume 11, Issue 2, Special Issue XX, July, 2021pp. 110-114.
Oleksandra Khallo, Nadia Lutsan, Olena Kuznetsova, Kateryna Volynetz, Vadym Pienov Kev strategies and tasks in the professional training in modern education. AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, Special Issue 11|02-XXIV, 2022pp. 132-137.
Nadia Lutsan, Nataliia Chernenko, Valentyna Vertuhina, Tetiana Rudiuk, Marianna Ruchkina New strategies for professional training of teachers in the context of European integration. AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, Special Issue 12|01-XXVII, 2022pp. 115-119.
Nadia Lutsan, Anna Struk, Olena Bulgakova, Valentyna Vertuhina, Tetiana Rudiuk, Formation of civic competence of future teachers in the educational process of higher education. AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, Special Issue 13|01-XXVII, 2023pp. 21-26.
Lutsan N. Needs and development opportunities of pensioners in Ukraine. Active and healthy ageing Biblioteka Gerontologii Spolecznej EXLIBRIS, 1(13). 2017. ISSN 2450-0232. Cracow, 2017. P. 85-93.
Lutsan N. Przygotowanie nauczyciela kształcenia podstawowego do wykorzystania innowacyjnych technologii pedagogicznych w warunkah transformacji. Debata Edukacyjna / Rocznik nr 9, 2016-2017. ISNN 1895-2763, DIO 10.24917/18952763.9. Kraków, 2017. P. 86-92.
Lutsan N.I. Scientific approaches to the organization of education of children with special educational problems. Scientific bulletin of the Mykolaiv State University: Collection of scientific papers. Pedagogical sciences. No. 1 (64). Mykolaiv: Moscow State University, 2019. P.152-157.
Lutsan N. Trends in adult-education development in Ukraine. Learning never ends. Spaces of Adult Education Central and Eastern European Perspectives, ed. Z. Szarota, Z. Wojciechowska, University of Warsaw Press, Warsaw 2021 Р. 58-66.
Lutsan N. І, Struk A. V. The influence of the new Ukrainian school on the formation of ethnographic competence of younger schoolchildren in the lessons «I explore the world». Perspectives and innovations of science (Series «Pedagogy»): journal. 2022. №. 13 (18) 2022. P. 322-333.
Lutsan N. І, Struk A. V. Interdisciplinary integration as a pedagogical condition for professional training of future teachers. Scientific journal of the Black Sea Research Institute of Economics and Innovation. Innovative pedagogy. Odesa, 2022. Issue 54. Vol. 1. P. 154-156.
[/su_tab] [su_tab title=”Activity” disabled=”no” anchor=”” url=”” target=”blank” class=””]- Trained 12 Candidates of Sciences and 1 Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences.
- Member of the Specialized Academic Council of the State Institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after KD Ushinsky».
- Member of the editorial board of the scientific-pedagogical magazine «Educational Horizons».
- Scientific Bulletin «Pedagogical Sciences» of the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after KD Ushinsky.
- «Educational Sciences. Interdisciplinary Studies», «Biblioteka Gerontologii Spolecznej. Polishsocial gerontology journal» (Krakow).
- Member of the Board of Reviewers of the Journal: «Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne» (Lodz).
- Expert on accreditation of educational programs of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.
Participation in scientific topics, projects:
- Leader of the research topic «Training of future specialists in the conditions of formation of the pan-European educational space» (state registration number 0110U008158).
- International project Erasmus+Programme KA107 (2022).
- The project «Motherhood in exile. Biographical studies of mothers – refugees from Ukraine». PLN from NAWA (Poland). (2022-2023)
- Project «Preserving youth mental well-being in wartime migration crisis» Erasmus+KA220-YOU-56353A27 (Poland) (2023-2025).
Awards and honors:
- Certificate of the Main Department of Education and Science of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration (2010).
- Certificate of Chief Administration of Education and Science of Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration (2012).
- Certificates of the rectors of the Carpathian National University. Vasily Stefanyk (2000, 2010, 2015).
- Certificate of Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration (2017).
- Acknowledgment of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2018).
- Medal «For services to the university» (2019).
- Letter of thanks from Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University (2020).
- Thanks to PPO employees of Prykarpattia National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk (2020).
Training, internship:
- Three month internship at the Pedagogical University. National Education Commission in Krakow (Poland). Subject: «Studying the experience of the European system of pedagogical education», Certificate from 14. 04. 2017.
- Certificate: Master trainer in education for democratic citizenship and education in human rights and development of civic competences (Swiss-Ukrainian educational project, 2018).
- ERASMUS+Programme, CBHE Action «MoPED: Modernization of Pedagogical Higher Education by Innovative Teaching Instruments» (Участь у майстер-класах експертів ЄС: Estella Dauksiene «Tools and activities for internationalization at home via virtual mobility» and Koen Veermans «Games and simulations in STEM education», 2018).
- ERASMUS+Programme, CBHE Action «MoPED: Modernization of Pedagogical Higher Education by Innovative Teaching Instruments» Project No. 586098-EPP-1-UA-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, 2019 р.).
- «Google applications in educational activities» with the support of the Academy of Digital Development, the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, the Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Ivano-Frankivsk region state Administration, the Department of Education and Science of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council together with Google Ukraine ( Ivano-Frankivsk, 2019).
- Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Hnatyuk, certificate, topic «Innovative learning technologies in the training of future teachers», issued on January 26, 2022. No. 4-33, 180 hours/6 ECTS credits.
Field of scientific interests: problems of upbringing and education of children of preschool age and primary school age, pedagogical education in the European educational space, educational innovative projects, professional training of pedagogical personnel.
Disciplines: «Methodology and organization of scientific research», «European education», «Acquaintance of children with the environment and development of native speech», «Professional mobility», «Basics of linguistic didactics (PhD)», «Basics of speech activity (PhD )».
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