Matveievа Nataliia

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor of the Department oof Primary Education


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In 2021, she completed her bachelor’s degree in Special Education, specializing in speech therapy, from Vasyl Stefanyk National Precarpathian University.

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  1. Leniv, O. Dzhus, N. Matveieva, N. Ilina, O. Prokofieva, I. Hlushenko. Neuropsychological Bases of Correctional Neuropsychological Bases of Correctional and Preventive Preparation of Children with Autism to Master Writing. Brain Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience. 20222. Vol. 13. Issue 1. Sup 1. ISSN: 2068-0473. E-ISSN: 2067-3957
  2. Budnyk, N. Matveieva, K. Fomin, T. Nazarenko, V. Kalabska. Preparation of future teachers for the introduction of digital innovation in a Rual School: problems and prospects. Revista Brasileira De Educacao Do Campo. 6, e 13124. ISSN 2525-4863
  3. Matveieva N. Basics of special education: Workshop. Tutorial. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2022. NAIR, 227 p.
  4. Matveieva N. Activities of the IRC in mountainous areas. Mountain School of the Ukrainian Carpathians. 2021. No. 25. P. 137-142.
  5. Matveieva N. Theoretical principles of teaching younger schoolchildren with dysgraphia: Collection of scientific papers. Uman DPU. Vol. 4. 2021. P. 223-230.
  6. Matveieva N., Matishak M. Formation of democratic values of future teachers: a practice-oriented approach. Teacher professionalism: theoretical and methodical aspects. Vol. 14. Part 2. Slavyansk. 2021. P. 24-34.
  7. Matveieva N.O. Overcoming difficulties in the education of younger schoolchildren with impaired written speech. Methodical guidelines for teachers. 2021. Ivano-Frankivsk. Print center. 40 p.
  8. Matveieva N. The use of pedagogical technologies in preparing preschoolers to study at school: methodical recommendations. 2021. Ivano-Frankivsk. Print center. 30 s.
  9. Matveieva N. Corrective and development work of teachers with young children with disorders of speech in the process of forming their communicative skills. Journal of V. Stefanyk University. Vol. 7 (1). No 1. 2020. Р. 64-70.
  10. Matveieva N. Development of inclusive education in Prykarpattia. Mountain School of the Ukrainian Carpathians. No. 23. 2020. P. 66-69.
  11. Matveieva N. Peculiarities of the organization of distance learning of students with developmental disorders in quarantine conditions. Psychological and pedagogical problems of the modern school: Collection of scientific papers. Uman DPU. Vol. 2 (4). 2020. P. 111-119.
  12. Matveieva N., Pyatka N. Sofia Rusova and her contribution to the development of national education. Sources: Scientific and methodological bulletin. No. 1-4 (91-94). December-January 2020. P. 31-33.
  13. Matveieva N. Fundamentals of inclusive pedagogy with an introduction. Practicum Tutorial. Ivano-Frankivsk, NAIR. 2020. 188 p.
  14. Matveieva N. Inclusive education abroad: educational and methodological support of students’ independent work. methodical guide. Ivano-Frankivsk. 2019. NAIR. 60 p.
  15. Matveieva N. The main factors influencing the readiness of young teachers for professional activity and development. Scientific journal of the NPU named after M. Drahomanova. Series 17. Issue 30. Kyiv. 2019. P.119-123.
  16. Matveieva N. The main difficulties in teaching younger schoolchildren with speech disorders. Scientific notes of the VDPU named after M. Kotsyubynskyi. Series: Pedagogy and psychology. Vinnytsia. No. 60. 2019. P. 111-116.
  17. Matveieva N. Inclusive education in schools Organizational Pedagogical Aspect of the problem. Journal of V. Stefanyk University. Vol. 5. No 1. 2018. Р. 80-88.
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Research activities

Nataliia Matveieva has extensive research experience, having authored 16 textbooks and over 100 articles in professional and other scientific publications, as well as being a co-author of collective monographs. She has also participated in various All-Ukrainian and International scientific and practical conferences, including the Ukrainian-Polish project “Kultura, historia, traducja w poszukiwaniu wspolnych wartosci” (2016) and the international project “Development of the culture of democracy in pedagogical education in Ukraine, Norway and Palestine” (2018/2022). Additionally, she actively works on the scientific topic of “Personality development of a junior high school student in the conditions of a mountain school.”

Educational activity

The educational activity of the researcher includes teaching several courses related to inclusive education, special and general pedagogy, and adult education. These courses include topics such as the fundamentals of inclusive education, inclusive education abroad, methodology for teaching and raising children with special needs, philosophy of inclusive education, and the organization and management of activities for children with speech and combined disorders. The researcher also supervises coursework and master’s theses and encourages student participation in research activities. She also leads a problem-solving student group called “Scientific Chaos” and provides career guidance for students in local schools.

Organizational activity

Methodist manager of the production practice of third-year students of the correspondence form of education of the Faculty of Pedagogy (since 2015)

The manager-methodologist of the production speech therapy practice of students of the Faculty of Pedagogy in the inclusive resource center (since 2022).

The primary focus of the research is inclusive education, special and general pedagogy, and adult education. Specific areas of interest include:

  • The implementation of educational reforms considering the National Concept of Education in Ukraine;
  • The organization of inclusive education and upbringing of younger schoolchildren in comprehensive schools;
  • Special education in Ukraine, specifically the provision of special services to children with various medical conditions;
  • The development of inclusive competencies among future primary school teachers during their professional training.
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Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
