Klepar Maria

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Primary Education, Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine, Excellence in education of Ukraine


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Maria Klepar was born in Transcarpathia, Irshav district. Imstychevo village. In 1982, she graduated from the Music and Pedagogical Faculty of the Ivano-Frankivsk State Pedagogical Institute named after Vasyl Stefanyk.

From the same year, she worked as a teacher at the department of theory and history of music of the aforementioned institute.

From 1990 to 1993, she was a post-graduate student at the Drahomanov Kyiv Pedagogical Institute, where in November 1993 she defended her candidate’s thesis on the topic “Formation of students’ worldview by means of musical art” and received the scientific title of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

Since 1993 – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Department of Art Disciplines of the Faculty of Pedagogy, in 1996 he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor.

From 2001 to 2006, she worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, from where she was sent to Moscow to the Embassy of Ukraine in the Russian Federation, to the diplomatic post of the Department of Education, Science and Diaspora of the Embassy of Ukraine in the Russian Federation.

In 2004, M. Klepar was awarded the award of Ukraine – Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine, in the same year she was awarded a badge by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine – Excellence in Education of Ukraine, in 2005 – she was awarded the Diploma of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine,

In 2006 and 2010, in 2015, she was awarded with Certificates of Honor of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration, – 2010.2016 – with the Certificate of the Head of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Council.

2010, 2014, 2015 and 2016 Certificates of the Regional Department of Culture, Nationalities and Religions of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration.

2017 – Thanks of the mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk for a significant contribution to diplomacy and popularization of Prykarpattia culture.

2019 – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor. Defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “Training of specialists in international relations in higher education institutions of Ukraine” (second half of the 20th century – beginning of the 21st century)

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  1. Bilavych N., Bilawicz J., Slyvka L., Klepar M., Pantiuk M., Fedchyshyn N., Savchuk V. Sanitary and hygienic education of children and adults under the conditions of the covid-19 pandemic in measurement of the achievements of public medicine of Galicia (end of the XIX – 30s of the XX century). Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2021. Volume LXXIV, Issue 9, Part 1, September. P. 2222–2228.
  2. Klepar M. Pragmatism in Philosophy of Inclusive Education Studies and Problems of Teacher Training. Revista Inclusiones. Vol. 7. Núm. 4. Octubre/Diciembre, 2020. Pp. 59-73. ISSN 0719-4706 WoS
  3. Klepar M. Features of the psychoemotional state of internally displaced families from the war zone Revista Inclusiones. Special Issue: SI, 2020. Pp. 157-169. WoS
  4. Klepar M. The educational potential of extracurricular activities in the formation of the aesthetic culture of future teachers. Youth and the market: a monthly scientific and pedagogical journal. No. 2 (181), July, Drohobych. 2020. C.71-78
  5. Klepar M.V. professional publication // article – USE OF INFOGRAPHICS FOR VISUALIZATION OF EDUCATIONAL CONTENT IN AN INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION// Scientific notes. Series: Pedagogical Sciences, Issue 199. pp. 131-136. 2021 Volodymyr Vinnichenko Central State University (Kropyvnytskyi)
  6. Klepar M. The development of the humanistic worldview of younger schoolchildren in extracurricular activities Journal “Mountain School of the Ukrainian Carpathians” No. 26, pp. 110-114. Ivano-Frankivsk. 2022
  7. Klepar M. “Educational potential of Hutsul embroidery in the process of formation of the national worldview of primary school students of the Carpathian region” Collection of theses of the III International online conference dedicated to the World Embroidery Day on May 19. P.92-95 Kyiv Pedagogical opinion 2022.
  8. Klepar M. Educational and methodological manual: “Textbook of the solo singing workshop”. Voliant, Ivano-Frankivsk, 2021.
  9. Klepar M. Using infographics to visualize educational content in institutions of higher education // Scientific notes. Series: Pedagogical Sciences, Issue 199. pp. 131-136. 2021 Volodymyr Vinnichenko Central State University (Kropyvnytskyi)
  10. Bilavych G. V., Klepar M. V. Preparation of future teachers for the use of out-of-class reading works for children by Vasyl Sukhomlynsky. // Collection of scientific articles “Pedagogical Almanac”. 2021. Issue 49. P. 57-64. Kherson
  11. Klepar M. National folk song traditions in the development of spirituality of future teachers // Mountain School of the Ukrainian Carpathians// Issue No. 24, pp. 64-74. Ivano-Frnkivsk. 2021.
  12. Klepar M. “Musical art as a means of forming moral and spiritual values of younger schoolchildren” Collection of scientific works “Innovation in education” Issue 14. P.90-100 Rivne. 2021
  13. Klepar M.V. Pedagogy of partnership in the spiritual education of students of the NUS of the mountain region / Mountain school of the Ukrainian Carpathians//Volume No. 25, S.. Ivano-Frnkivsk. 2021.
  14. Klepar. The educational potential of extracurricular activities in the formation of the aesthetic culture of future teachers Youth and the market: a monthly scientific and pedagogical journal. No. 2 (181), July, Drohobych. 2020. C.71-76. (0.3 d.a.)
  15. Klepar. The socio-educational environment as a condition for the formation of socio-cultural and spiritual values of students of higher education institutions. Spirituality of the individual: methodology, theory and practice: a collection of scientific works / Gol. editor G. P. Shevchenko. Vol. 3 (96). Severodonetsk: ed. of SNU named after V. Dalya, 2020. 332 p. C.187-198. (0.4 d.a.)
  16. Klepar. O. Sagaydak Conceptual guideline for the formation of the future international specialist through the prism of the experience of training diplomatic staff at the beginning of the 21st century. scientific publication”Pedagogical almanac” issue 8, Kherson, 2020. P. 68-83 (0, 5d.a.)
  17. Klepar. “Modern approaches to the training of specialists in international relations in higher educational institutions of Ukraine.” Gdansk/ participation in the 2017 conference.
  18. Klepar M. Some Aspects of the Students Musikal Leisure as the Way of Outlook Position Forming in the Conditions of the Eastern Carpathians // Journal of Vasil Stefanik Precarpathian National University: series of Social and Human Sciences. – Ivano-Frankivsk: Publishing house of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, 2015. – Vol.1, No. 2, 3. – P.105-109.
  19. Klepar M. Peculiarities of the formation of social competence of gifted children in the process of musical activity.// KLEPAR MARIA | II Miedzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa Dziecko:kultura-sztuka-edukacja. – Krakow, 2015. (28-29 maja Krakow? Katedra Edukacji Artystycznej Instytutu Pedagogiki Predskolnej I Szkolnej Univeristitetu Pedagogicznego im.Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowe.
  20. Klepar M.V. Regarding the problem of vocal education of children of primary school age / M. Klepar // Art in the modern school: problems, searches: coll. of science works / for total ed. M.V. Vovka. – Ivano-Frankivsk: View of Prykarpattia. national University named after V. Stefanyka, 2015. – Vol. IX. – P. 53-58.

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Awarded with many thanks from the leaders of the cities of Nova Sol, Zelena Hura, Opole, Krakow, Slupsk (Poland), Pryasiv, Prague (Czech Republic) with many certificates and thanks from the Department of Education and Science of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional and City Council, certificates and thanks from the university and others institutions of the city and region.

Klepar participates in the expert commission on accreditation of higher education institutions (order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine) No. 1327.

member of the jury of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in Specialism “Musical Art”, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central State University (Kropyvnytskyi)

participation in the jury of the All-Ukrainian artistic competition of conductors at the Central Ukrainian Unive rsity named after Volodymyr Vinnichenko.

 He is often an opponent of dissertation studies for obtaining the scientific title of Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Sciences.

participant of the Ukrainian-Polish scientific seminar “Social and pedagogical aspects of the teacher’s professional activity”.

Given the experience of diplomatic work – the second secretary for culture, education and diaspora at the Embassy of Ukraine in Moscow, I work part-time as a professor of the Department of International Economic Relations at the Institute of History and Political Science of Vasyl Stefanyk PNU

While working at the Department of International Relations, I provide teaching of educational disciplines: lecture-practical courses “Diplomatic Protocol”, “International Information” and “Public Relations”, “Business Negotiations in International Business”

In 2014, she completed an internship at Volodymyr Vinnichenko Kirovohrad State Pedagogical University.

2019 internship at Ivan Franko Lviv State University (6 months) at the Department of Consular Service and Diplomatic Protocol.

In 2020, internship topic – “Education and individualization in educational institutions” Internship load – 180 hours. 6 credits. Place of internship, Katowice, Poland. Higher Technical School June 25-October 4, 2020.

M.V. Klepar – Participant of numerous All-Ukrainian and International conferences, author of about 160 publications of a scientific and educational-methodical nature on the issues of personality culture education.

– Member of the specialized academic council D 20.051.01 for the defense of dissertations at Vasyl Stefanyk Prykarpatsky National University for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences with the specialty 13.00.01 – general pedagogy and history of pedagogy.

Member of the jury of the regional competition for the defense of scientific research works of students – members of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. m. Ivano Frankivsk

  As a scientist, she is an active participant in all-Ukrainian and international conferences in her field. Participates in the design competition program – for the Implementation Plan of the City Development Strategy. Name of the project “Preservation and popularization of the originality of Ukrainian art of Prykarpattia”

M.V. Klepar – head of the art history and folkloristics sections of the Small Academy of Student Youth Sciences (Ivano-Frankivsk). Young students-scientists take an active part in the competition for the defense of scientific works, where they take the first places.

For a long time, she was the head of the jury of the “Talents of the Galician Land” festival, which was held by the city’s department of education, actively works in the international Ukrainian-Polish project “Obzhynky in Poland”, etc. member of the jury of the children’s festival of the “Prycarpathian Nightingales” competition, member of the jury of the student festival “Spring Wave”.

He also takes an active part in the new project “University of the Gifted Child”, organized at the Carpathian National University.

I manage a constantly active student problem group; student vocal group “Malva” of the Faculty of Pedagogy The collective performed on the stages of Poland, Romania, Croatia, Italy, Austria, Australia, Japan, Canada, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Greece, Georgia, Slovenia,

Currently, every five years, the collective has held five reports – concerts at the Ivan Franko Drama Theater in Ivano-Frankivsk. A large number of concerts were given in different parts of the world. The collective’s creative output consists of the albums “Singing Hutsulochka”, “Ukrainian Rodyna”, “Carpathian Song Patterns of Hutsulochka”, musical films, TV programs, radio broadcasts,interviews.

“Hutsulochki” are participants in numerous All-Ukrainian and International conferences, laureates of international competitions and festivals, participants in the international Polish-Ukrainian-Czech-German project “Christmas in Europe”.

The ensemble is a frequent guest during days of Ukrainian culture in European cities. Participants of the international art festival of the countries of the Carpathian region “Carpathian Space”.

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E-mail: mariia.klepar@pnu.edu.ua

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
