Zamrozevych-Shadrina Svitlana

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Primary Education and Educational Innovations
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 She graduated from the Precarpathian National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk   and received a full higher education in the specialty
“Primary Education” and obtained the qualification of an elementary school teacher, a practical psychologist in educational institutions.
Later she received her second higher education in the specialty “Preschool education”. She completed her postgraduate studies, defended her PhD thesis on “Forming the readiness of older school-age children to study in school in the process of physical education” and received a degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences in the specialty 13.00.08 – preschool pedagogy. She defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “Theoretical and methodological principles of training future teachers for the formation of children’s health” at the Educational Complex  “Shkola-sadok” and obtained the degree of Doctor of Pedagogy Sciences with specialty 13.00.04 – theory and methods of professional education. Zamrozevych- Shadrina Svitlana Romanivna is the author of more than a hundred articles and methodological developments in the fields of health care and physical education in primary school. At present she is an associate professor of the department of professional methods and technologies of elementary education. During her work as an associate professor, she directs master’s studies, prepares students for participation in scientific and practical conferences, with the subsequent publication of joint articles with students.

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1.Mitova O., Griban G., Oleniev D., Yakovenko A., Onyshchenko V., Mozolev O., Semeniv B., Lytvynenko A., Khurtenko O., Zamrozevuch-Shadrina S., Kozibroda L., Hres M.(2022). The impact of mini-basketball training sessions on the 6-7-year-old boys’ physical fitness and physical development. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 10 (4), 754-767.

2.Griban, G., Bosenko, A., Asauliuk, I., Topchii, M., Vysochan, L., Zamrozevuch-Shadrina, S., Orlyk, N., Pilipchuk, P., Skyrda, T., Bloshchynskyi, I., & Shcherbatiuk, N. (2022). Professional and Communicative competence of physical education instructors in postmodern education. Postmodern Openings, 13(4), 158-186.

3.Zamrozevych-Shadrina S. R., Khatsayuk O. O., Tytovych A. O., Golovchenko O. I., Gazayev V. N., Magula O. S. Approbation of the program for forming the readiness of parents to organize the system of physical development of preschoolers in conditions martial law Scientific journal of the National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Drahomanov. Series 15: Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sport): coll. of science works Kyiv: Publishing House of the M.P. Dragomanov NPU, 2022. Iss. 11(171). P. 81-95.

4. Zamrozevych-Shadrina, S. R.; Khatsayuk, O. O.; Sirenko, R.R.; Honchar, N. P.; Nesterov, O. S. Formation of parents’ readiness to organize activities for physical development of preschoolers in today’s realities. Scientific journal of the National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Drahomanov. Series 15: Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sport): coll. of science works Kyiv: Publishing House of the M.P. Dragomanov NPU, 2023. Iss. 8(168). P. 65-73.

5. Zamrozevych-Shadrina S.R. Features of the digital transformation of the educational process. International Scientist-Pract. conference “Digital transformation and digital technology for sustainable development of all branches of modern education, science and practice”. Poland, January 26, 2023, pp. 29-32.

6.Zamrozevych-Shadrina S.R. Receiving non-formal education during the war. Integration of higher legal education of Ukraine with the European educational space – internal security challenges during martial law: materials from the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Lomzha-Kharkiv, February 15, 2023 / edited by Dr. Eng. Piotr Ponichtera, Ph.D. Zoya Sharlovich. Publisher: MANS w Łomży, 2023. P. 76-79.

7. Zamrozevych-Shadrina S.R. Problems of technogenic and ecological safety in the field of civil protection: Materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference. Kharkiv: National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, December 8-9, 2022. P. 200-204.

8. Zamrozevych-Shadrina S. R. Problems of physical self-improvement of younger schoolchildren. Innovative research and prospects for the development of science and technology in the 21st century: a collection of theses of the reports of the participants of the International scientific and practical conference for the 30th anniversary of the Private higher educational institution “International University of Economics and Humanities named after Academician Stepan Demianchuk” (Rivne, October 19. 2023). Rivne, 2023. Part 4. P. 7-9.

9. Zamrozevych-Shadrina S.R. Formation of health-preserving competence of the individual in extracurricular educational institutions. A collection of scientific works based on the materials of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference “Formation of Life Competence of Persons with Special Educational Needs in the System of Out-of-school, Special and Inclusive Education” / Edited by Yu. D. Boychuk. Kharkiv: KhNPU named after H. S. Skovorody, 2023. P. 98-100.

10. Zamrozevych-Shadrina S.R. Professional competence of the teacher during innovative changes. Proceedings of the VI International Scientific and Methodological Conference “Quality Assurance of Higher Education: Problems and Development Prospects” (Odesa (February 21-22, 2023) Odesa: ONEU.S. 145.

11. Zamrozevych-Shadrina S.R. The use of the latest learning technologies in the study of foreign languages by students of non-linguistic majors. The use of the latest foreign language learning technologies for the development of cognitive abilities of future specialists in non-linguistic specialties: a collection of materials of the IX All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Webinar with International Participation (February 22, 2023) / by general ed. Tamara Litneva. Zhytomyr: Ivan Franko State University Publishing House, 2023. P. 42-44.

12. Zamrozevych-Shadrina S.R. Peculiarities of the formation of the national and cultural identity of the individual. Problems of the identity of the cultural heritage of Ukraine in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war and in the post-war period: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Ukraine, Kyiv, May 25, 2023 / edited by M. M. Stadnyk Editor-in-chief: V. F. Yatchenko; organizational secretary: Sciban O. E. Kyiv: National Institute of Scientific Research, 2023. P. 100-102.

13. Zamrozevych-Shadrina S.R. Formation of environmental education of elementary school students. Environmental safety and balanced use of nature in agro-industrial production. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Part 1. (Ukraine, Kyiv, July 6–7, 2023). Kyiv. 2023. P. 182-184.

14. Zamrozevych-Shadrina S.R. Children’s mental health in war conditions. Actual problems of teaching educational components of socio-humanitarian orientation in higher education [Collection of materials of the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference June 15-16, 2023, Kherson]. Kherson: Kherson State Maritime Academy, 2023. P. 201-203.

15. Zamrozevych-Shadrina S.R. The influence of the family on the formation of the child’s personality. Innovations of partnership interaction of education, economy and social protection in conditions of inclusion and pragmatic rehabilitation of society: materials of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference. Kamianets-Podilskyi city: Educational and rehabilitation institution of higher education “Kamanets-Podilskyi State Institute”, May 19-20, 2023. P. 239-240.

16. Zamrozevych-Shadrina S.R. Vyshyvanka as a symbol of Ukrainian insubordination. Ukraine is my embroidery: ethnocultural and educational potential of Ukrainian embroidery: coll. theses of the 4th International Online Conference, May 18, 2023 / according to general ed. N. Bohdanets-Biloskalenko (electronic edition). Kyiv: Pedagogical thought, 2023. P. 69-70.

17. Zamrozevych-Shadrina S.R. Formation of health-preserving competence of students of higher education institutions. Sixth International Conference of Young Scientists “Kharkiv Nature Forum” (May 18-19, 2023), collection of theses. Kharkiv: KhNPU named after H.S. Skovoroda, 2023. P. 271-272.

18. Zamrozevych-Shadrina S.R. Peculiarities of the teacher’s speech culture. Socio-communication science in the paradigm of meaningful transformations: social challenges, trends in education and professional activity [Electronic edition]: collection of materials of the 3rd International scientific and practical online conference (Irpin, May 19, 2023) / edited by D.Sc. social com. Nataliia Zykun, Ph.D. Zoi Sharlovich, Ph.D. social com. Tatyana Hyrina. Irpin: State Tax University, 2023. P. 223-225.

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Scientific activity: Zamrozevych-Shadrina S.R. works on the problems of preparing children for school, forming their healthy lifestyle, as well as training future teachers to form a culture of health of preschool and primary school children.

Academic activity: provides teaching of academic disciplines: “Preschool Pedagogy”, “Organization and Management of Preschool Education in Ukraine”, “Familiarization of Children with Nature”, “Methods of Teaching Physical Education”, “Methods of Teaching Social and Health Education”, “Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Valeological Education of Preschool Children”, “Ensuring Continuity in Preschool and Primary Education”.

She supervises master’s theses.

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Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

Pedagogical Faculty

Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education

Ivano-Frankivsk, Bandery St., 1; room 706.
