

The Department of Primary Education has a rich and glorious history, because over 60 years of its existence it has become a real centre of educators not only for the Carpathian region, but for the whole of Ukraine. It has always been a scientific center for famous domestic scientists, scientific trends setters in Ukrainian pedagogy, founders of scientific schools, authoritative methodologists, authors of textbooks and teaching aids for primary school, well-known writers and artists (composers, painters, singers, musicians), educational and public figures, natural scientists, etc. All of them significantly contributed to the formation of the future primary school teacher as a highly professional specialist, spiritual, comprehensively developed personality.

More than half a century path, which the department of primary education went through as an independent structural unit, is complex and thorny. It bears the imprint not only of a series of reforms and changes in the name of the department (“pedagogy and methods of primary education”, “theories and methods of primary education”, “pedagogy of primary education”, “primary education”), but also the conscientious work of hundreds of teachers who contributed to the development of pedagogical education and pedagogical thought in Ukraine. This path has been crowned with significant achievements. Over the years of activity, the department has become an educational center for the training of more than 50,000 primary school teachers as a graduation course for those who have obtained a pedagogical education.

Within different periods, the department was headed by: P. F. Yakunin, Z. S. Uzhgina, M. G. Stelmakhovych, S. V. Dombrovskyi, L. V. Stepanova, M. P. Trofanova, V. M. Begei, V. D. Khrushch, O. B. Budnyk, M. P. Oliyar. Today, the head of the department is Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor R. Ya. Romanyshyn.

Several stages can be distinguished in the activity of the department:

1960–early 1970s – the period of formation and development;

1973 – 1980s – the time of the first reformation, improvement of the content of training of primary school specialists, its renewal with a national ethno-pedagogical element, which is primarily connected with the activities of M. G. Stelmakhovych as the head of the Department of pedagogy and methods of primary education;

1990s – 2008 – the time of innovative changes, initiation of scientific and educational projects, new approaches to the organization of Ukrainian pedagogical education and, in particular, professional training of primary school teachers during independence;

2008–2016 – the period of the second reform, associated with effective, purposeful, comprehensive training of future primary school teachers;

2016–2022 – the period of the third reform of the department, which marked significant gains in the educational, scientific, methodical aspects of training a new generation of primary school teachers, strengthening of scientific potential and was caused by the reorganization of the Pedagogical Institute;

current petiod of 2023 – the fourth reform of the Department, as a result of which it received the name – Department of Primary Education, which opens new perspectives for further development of pedagogical education.

Further you will find a brief illustration of individual stages of the Department’s activity aimed at highlighting its place and role in the development of national education and pedagogical thought in Ukraine. The department witnessed the origins of the development of pedagogical education in Prykarpattia (Precarpathian area). It is one of the oldest educational units at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

The primary school teacher training faculty was established in 1959, and the specialty “methodology and pedagogy of primary education” was opened. The department, which ensured the training of future specialists in the field of pedagogical education, was organized in January 1961.

Experienced scientists, methodologists, artists (Z. S. Uzhgina, O. V. Vorobyova, M. I. Mykytynska, M. P. Figol, L. I. Botyuk) worked at the Department, which became an important center for the training educators in the Carpathian region. Then the Department was headed by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Zina Semenivna Uzhgina.

During the 1970s and 1980s, primary school teacher training was carried out by two departments at the Pedagogy Faculty: Department of Natural and Mathematical Sciences (headed by the Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Associate Professor Volodymyr Kostyantynovych Selskyi, thanks to whose efforts the specialization “Fine Arts” was opened). G. M. Zholobak, M. I. Mykytynska, V. P. Kopchak, V. A. Andrych, T. O. Kostur (Demyaniv), R. V. Stefurak, G. I. Izvekova, Z.Yu. Pavlyk, L.L. Kryzhanivskyi, L.V. Stepanova, and other scientists worked. The other one was the Department of pedagogy and methods of primary education (headed by the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Zina Semenivna Uzhgina, later – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Myroslav Gnatovych Stelmakhovych, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Stepan Vasyliovych Dombrovskyi), where M. G. Stelmakhovych, V. M. Horodivskyi, M. D. Shturmai, I. V. Fichora, L. I. Botyuk, N. B. Maksymenko and others worked).

Since 1984, the Department of pedagogy and methods of primary education created a section of artistic courses headed by V. M. Vakiy, on its basis in the late 1980s, the Department of music and choreography was organized (headed by a well-known in Ukraine and beyond its borders “Prycarpathian Soloveyko”, Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine, Excellent in National Education, Associate Professor Mykhailo Yuriyovych Slyvotskyi). The teaching staff included V. M. Vakiy, M. V. Klepar, V. F. Orlov, M. V. Vovk, B. V. Stasko, O. M. Chersak, I. Yu. Lypa, S. B. Barilo, L. M. Kitsalo, L. I. Tkachuk, M. V. Pavlyuk, Y. V. Pavlyk, G. V. Kotyk, Zh. Y. Zvarychuk, Y. I. Babinskyi, O. D. Barabash, N. I. Marusyk, I. V. Ivasyshyn, T. M. Motsyuk, etc.), during 1993–1995 the Department had the name “Department of Music”, since 2000 it was renamed to “Department of Music and Choreography. The Department played an important role in training of highly qualified specialists with deep theoretical and practical knowledge. Its value as a center of art education at the Faculty of Pedagogy, an organizer of student artistic activities, is indispensable.

Important period in the history of the Department of pedagogy and methods of primary education was marked by activity of M. G. Stelmakhovych, who headed it from 1973 to 1985. Already a well-known scientist at that time (in 1970 he defended his PhD thesis “Development of students’ oral speech during the study of phonetics and morphology in secondary school”), a creative teacher and an experienced school headmaster (he worked in Veliko Kamian, Zhukiv, and Velikolykhiv schools of the Kolomyia district of Ivano-Frankivsk region). He knew not only the theory well, but also the practice of the organization of schooling, had experience in the professional training of primary school teachers, because before heading the Department – from 1971 to 1973 – he worked as the Dean of the Faculty of training primary school teachers of Ivano-Frankivsk State Pedagogical Institute named after Vasyl Stefanyk. Later (1985–1997) he continued to head the Faculty of Pedagogy. In 1988, M. G. Stelmakhovych was elected to the position of Professor of the Department of pedagogy and methods of primary education.

Since 1986 and throughout the 2000s, the Department of pedagogy and methods of primary education was headed by S. V. Dombrovskyi, L. V. Stepanova, M. P. Trofanova, V. M. Begei, and V. D. Khrushch. Sections of pedagogy, natural and mathematical courses, and philology worked at the Department. This contributed to the improvement of the methodical and scientific research work of educators, as well as the implementation of active scientific and methodical work with teachers of primary schools in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk and the region. In the 1990s, the teachers of the Department were actively involved in the development of relevant problems of Ukrainian ethnopedagogy. Back in 1985, M. G. Stelmakhovych’s monograph “People’s Pedagogy” was published, where the scientist explained the essence of people’s pedagogy, its importance in the education and training of children. Later, other books of the well-known scientist in Ukraine were published: “Ukrainian Folk Pedagogy”, “Ukrainian Ethnopedagogy”, and “Ukrainian Family Studies”, which started a new direction in the national scientific and pedagogical science and outlined an important vector in future teachers training on the basis of Ukrainian studies and Ukrainian folk pedagogy.

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the scientific potential of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Primary Education, which was headed by the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Vasyl Demyanovych Khrushch, increased significantly. His high professionalism and depth of knowledge, work experience in the field of training and retraining of pedagogical personnel, innovative and prognostic thinking ensured the creation of a powerful educational and scientific center at the department. These efforts were directed to the search for means of increasing effectiveness of the educational process for primary school teachers training. Educational and methodical, research and educational areas of activity of the department were provided by I. B. Bai, S. B. Barylo, H. V. Bilavych, N. M. Blagun, T. O. Blyznyuk, L. M. Vysochan, M. V. Vovk, M. V. Hnatiuk, S. Yu. Dovbenko, O. Ya. Dovgiy, O. P. Goretska, I. M. Humenyuk, G. V. Izvekova, L. V. Iliychuk, O. I. Kilichenko, M. V. Klepar, M. S. Kopchuk-Kashetska, V. V. Korpanyuk, M. M. Korpanyuk, L. M. Krul, I. Yu. Lypa, N. O. Matveeva, L. Y. Mezhylovska, N. Yu. Nykorak, M. P. Oliyar, N. B. Maksymenko, L. S. Pletenytska, R. Ya. Romanyshyn, G. P. Savyuk, L. V. Slyvka, M. Stepanova, O. M. Tkachuk, O. V. Tkachuk, Z. E. Faichak, I. V. Fichora, L. I. Khimchuk, O. P. Tsyunyak, I. B. Chervinska; T. V. Tkach (senior laboratory assistant)).

At the Department of Theory and Methods of Primary Education, work was carried out on a scientific international project initiated in 2006 by prof. V.D. Khrushch, “Mountain school: status, problems, prospects for development” together with universities and colleges of the USA associated with the Appalachian Research Center. Over the years, the project has gained international status. It was joined not only by scientists of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, but also researchers from abroad. Scientists and practicing teachers from the USA, Slovakia, Poland and other countries became its active participants. Within the scope of the project, the teachers of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Primary Education successfully worked on the problems of the personality development of the primary school students. According to its results, under the general editorship of prof. V. D. Khrushch a number of monographic collections “Junior school chind: problems of development” were published (2006, 2013, 2014).

In 2008, another reform took place, as a result of which the Department of theory and methods of primary education was divided into three departments: the Department of theory and methods of primary education (headed by Prof. V. D. Khrushch), the Department of philology and methods of primary education (headed by Prof. T. M. Kotyk), and the Department of natural and mathematical disciplines of primary education (headed by N. I. Lutsan), which provided training for primary school teachers not only in the reformed Pedagogical Institute, but also in numerous branches of the Precarpathian National University located in Kolomyia, Kalush, Dolyna, Mukachevo, Rakhiv, Chortkiv. The Department of artistic disciplines was headed by Prof. M.V. Vovk.

Teaching staff of the Department of philology and methods of primary education (H. V. Bilavych, M. A. Bagriy, N. M. Blahun, T. O. Bliznyuk, O. D. Vorobets, O. P. Horetska, I. M. Humenyuk, O. S. Derkachova, T. O. Kachak, L. M. Krul, M. P. Oliyar, N. B. Maksimenko, L. B. Nakonechna, C. M. Sydoriv, O. V. Tkachuk, S. E. Ushnevich, K. V. Fomin, Ya.E. Yarosh, T.P. Gladysh (senior laboratory assistant)). Under the leadership of the department, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Tetyana Mykolaivna Kotyk, who initiated a new research direction in Ukrainian language didactics – the theory of teaching the basics of language didactics, a scientific school was formed. A young galaxy of future candidates and doctors of science began to work on various linguistic aspects of future professional training of primary school teachers. The Department emphasized activation of students’ scientific activity (the Bulletin of the Department of Philology and Methods of Primary Education was launched, posters on the culture of Ukrainian speech, the prize-winners of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works were prepared, etc.), the comprehensive education of student youth, the development of the creative abilities of future teachers ( literary and artistic almanac “The First Success” (associate professor G.V. Bilavych), magazine “Pysachka” (assistant S.M. Sydoriv), literary spotlight of the writer O.S. Derkachova, folklore and theater workshop (assistant Y.E. Yarosh ) etc.). The priority area of activity was the preparation of educational and methodological support for educational courses in the language and literature cycle, the publication of educational literature for students (manuals on foreign literature, children’s literature (T.B. Kachak, L.M. Krul, O.S. Derkachova, S. E. Ushnevych), language culture (N. M. Blagun), rhetoric (G. V. Bilavych), Ukrainian language in professional direction (I. M. Humenyuk, G. V. Bilavych), modern Ukrainian language (O. V Tkachuk, L.B. Nakonechna). Significant focus was placed on the development of English language section (headed by associate professor T.O. Blyznyuk) of the Department as students’ foreign language competence development was a priority direction in the University strategy.

The activities of the Department of Natural and Mathematical Disciplines of Primary Education (Headed by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Nadiya Ivanivna Lutsan) was aimed at content-methodical support of the personal and professional growth of the future primary school teacher, use of active forms of work with students, introduction of distance learning technologies, career guidance work etc. Department teachers L. M. Vysochan, K. I. Hutsulyak, O. Ya. Dovgiy, A. V. Zharovska, S. R. Zambrozevych, L. Y. Mezhylovska, L. S. Pletenytska, N. M. Pasieka, R. Ya. Romanyshyn, G. P. Savyuk, O. M. Tkachuk, Z. E. Faichak greatly contributed to the improvement of the efficiency of professional training of future teachers, establishment of close cooperation with schools of the city and region (bases of pedagogical practices).

Primary school teachers training with additional specializations (music teacher, fine art teacher) was provided by the Department of art disciplines, which was headed by the Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Professor Myron Vasyliovych Vovk in 2005. Seven artistic and creative bands managed by teachers of the Department of vocal-choral, instrumental and choreographic direction functioned under his guidance. Prof. M.V. Vovk united not only talented teachers at the department, but also well-known musicologists, art critics, performers, members of the musical bands “Hutsulochky”, “Rosynka”, musicians, composers, conductors, choreographers, concertmasters, known in Precarpathian area, and in Ukraine. The teaching staff of the Department of Arts (I. B. Bai, M. V. Vovk, M. V. Klepar, O. M. Chersak, I. I. Zherebetska, O. V. Kachmar, T. V. Kmetyuk, Ya. V. Pavlyk, I. V. Ivasyshyn, H. V Kotyk, M. O. Shevchenko, I. Yu. Lypa, S. B. Barylo, M. V. Hnatiuk, N. I. Marusyk, R. M. Andrusyshyn , O. V. Koval, P. M. Koval, O. V. Kalinchuk, O. M. Savchuk (senior laboratory assistant)) contributed to the formation of the future primary school teacher as a highly professional, comprehensively developed, competitive individual on the educational labor market.

In 2016, as a result of the reorganization of the Pedagogical Institute, four departments (the Department of Theory and Methods of Primary Education, the Department of Philology and Methods of Primary Education, the Department of Natural and Mathematical Disciplines of Primary Education, the Department of Arts) were reformed into two: the Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education (O. B. Budnyk, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences was appointed to be the head) and the Department of Professional Methods and Technologies of Primary Education (Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor N. I. Lutsan was appointed as the head).

Since 2016, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Tetiana Kachak has been implementing the author’s all-Ukrainian project “Literary Party”. It aimed at popularizing children’s books and reading. This annual event is a game-presentation of the best modern books for children and youth, which takes place in the format of a competition of teams of readers, communication with writers. Over the course of seven years, 12 games were held, in which students of the lyceums of Ivano-Frankivsk, Drohobych, Kolomyia, Kramatorsk, as well as students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Kolomyia Educational and Scientific Institute of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University took part. There were meetings with writers and presentations of books by Zirka Menzatyuk, Serhiy Hrydin, Oleksandr Gavrosh, Maria Morozenko, Vasyl Teremko, Andriy Bachynskyi, Oksana Saiko, Valentyna Zakhaburi, Iryna Ralko, Halyna Kyrpa, Khrystyna Lukashchuk, Yulia Smal, and others.

In April 2017, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Oliyar Maria Petrivna was elected as the head of the Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education. 29 teachers worked at the Department. Their main task consisted in improving the quality of professional training of future primary school teachers, raising the level of their general culture, improving the system of organizing and conducting pedagogical (production) practice of students, and improving scientific and research work. Teachers and laboratory assistants of the Department (M. P. Oliyar, H. V. Bilavych, N. M. Blagun, T. O. Blyznyuk, O. B. Budnyk, M. V. Vovk, O. D. Vorobets, I. M. Gumenyuk, O. S. Derkachova, S. Yu. Dovbenko, O. Ya. Dovgiy, I. I. Zherebetska, L. V. Iliychuk, O. I. Kilichenko, M. V. Klepar, T. V. Kmetyuk , M. S. Kopchuk-Kashetska, I. Yu. Lypa, N. O. Matveeva, L. B. Nakonechna, G. A. Rusyn, L. V. Slivka, O. V. Tkachuk, O. M. Tkachuk , O. P. Tsyunyak, O. M. Chersak, I. B. Chervinska, K. V. Fomin; T. V. Tkach, M. G. Tanchyn, T. P. Danylyuk) successfully worked on two research topics: “Personality development of a primary school student in the conditions of a mountain environment” (state registration number: 0113U 005200); “Professional teacher training: socio-pedagogical context” (state registration number 0117U003281), based on the results of which a number of collective monographs were published, several dozen textbooks and manuals for students were developed. The scientific and methodical journal “Mountain School of the Ukrainian Carpathians” was systematically published. The latter was included in the list of scientific publications of Ukraine in pedagogical sciences and in 2017 was included in the scientometric database Index Copernicus.

The Department successfully worked in the direction of establishing international cooperation with the State Higher Professional School in Chelm (Republic of Poland), Pryasiv University (Pryasiv, Slovakia), Vytautas the Great University in Kaunas (Republic of Lithuania) and others. Joint conferences and seminars were organized. In 2016, the Ukrainian-Polish student exchange project “Culture, history, traditions: in search of common values” was implemented under the patronage of Polsko–Ukrainskej Rady Wymiany Mlodziezy (FRSE). In 2017-2021 O.B. Budnyk, T.O. Blyznyuk and I.B. Chervinska – representatives of the Department participated in the international ERASMUS+ project “MoPED – Modernization of higher pedagogical education using innovative teaching instruments” (No. 586098-EPP-1-2017-1-UA-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP). It was the first experience when a Ukrainian university (PNU) became the grant holder and our educators had an opportunity to go on training visits to well-known European universities, gain innovative experience and implement it in teaching practice with the students of the Department. This project resulted in opening a significant structural unit of the university – Centre of Innovative educational technologies “PNU EcoSystem” (headed by prof. O.B.Budnyk) dealing with providing advanced training courses for educators on innovative teaching methods. Swiss-Ukrainian project “Development of civic competences in Ukraine – DOCCU”; Ukrainian-American project “Carpathians – Appalachians: human and community development in highland regions”, the international experience exchange program ADA Anniversary Inclusive Education Program, etc. were other practices in improving teaching staff and students’ expertise.

The Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education actively worked with gifted students. There were 12 scientific circles and problem groups, the participants of which tested the results of their research through participation in scientific conferences of various levels, publications in international and domestic periodicals, won in the II stage of All-Ukrainian Student Contest (L. Klyus, S. Negruk, etc.), II stage of All-Ukrainian Contest of student scientific works (T. Danyliuk, N. Shevchuk, N. Koturbash, A. Khainus, etc.). Every year, the International Scientific Student Internet Conference “Development of the personality of a primary school student: modern realities and prospects” was held. All-Ukrainian Student Scientific Conference, initiated by Assoc. Prof. O. I. Kilichenko, and based on the results of scientific research, a collection of student scientific works was published annually.

On the initiative and under the general scientific editorship of the head of the department M.P. Oliyar an annual collective monograph was published. It was dedicated to the problem “Personality development of a primary school school student in the conditions of a mountain environment”. According to the results of scientific and educational activities, the Department of pedagogy of primary education took second place in the ranking of university departments twice (2020, 2021), and the Department’s professors (O.B. Budnyk, G.V. Bilavych, I.B. Chervinska, O.S. Derkachva, O.P. Tsiuniak, and others) were the first in the rating of scientific and pedagogical staff of the Pedagogy Faculty. In 2019, the educational program “Elementary Education” (Bachelor’s) was successfully accredited (the guarantor of the Educational Program is Associate Professor O. I. Kilichenko). Associate Professors L.V. Iliychuk and O.D. Vorobets actively worked as experts at the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance.

On the initiative of Prof. G. V. Bilavych In 2017, the “University of the Gifted Child” project was launched at the Science Park, which is aimed at the all-round development of the child. It was successfully implemented as volunteers by the teachers of the Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education (G. V. Bilavych, N. M. Blahun, I. M. Gumenyuk, O. S. Derkachova, O. Ya. Dovgiy, L. V. Iliychuk, M. V. Klepar, N. Yu. Nykorak, L.V. Slyvka, O.P. Tsyunyak, G.A. Rusyn, M.S. Kopchuk-Kashetska) and teachers of the Department of Professional Methods and Technologies of Primary Education (L.M. Vysochan, M.V. Hnatiuk, R.Ya. Romanyshyn).

The Department of Professional Methods and Technologies of Primary Education, created in June 2016 on the basis of the reorganization of the Pedagogical Faculty, was headed by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Nadiya Ivanivna Lutsan. Teachers of the department (N. I. Lutsan, O. S. Kondur, P. M. Koval, T. M. Kotyk, T. B. Kachak, L. M. Vysochan, R. Ya. Romanyshin, S. R. Zamrozevych , O. V. Kachmar, L. I. Khimchuk, A. V. Struk, L. V. Babelska, I. B. Bai, S. B. Barylo, S.V. Verbeshchuk, M.V. Hnatyuk, N.B. Maksymenko, L. Y. Mezhylovska, L.S. Pletenytska, S.E. Ushnevych, O.S. Rega, K.I. Hutsulyak, N.M. Pasieka) provided training for Bachelors majoring in “Primary Education” and implemented scientific and methodical work aimed at its implementation in the context of the new State Standard. The teachers of the Department were the authors of numerous textbooks and teaching aids of methodological direction (in particular, recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine). Training of specialists for the primary school was carried out on the basis of the introduction innovative methods based on requirements of the New Ukrainian School. For this purpose, the program “Connection of school with the institution of higher education” was actively implemented. It was carried out through the establishment of tight contacts with primary schools in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk (Ivano-Frankivsk general education school of the first degree No. 26; Lyceum No. 23 named after Roman Guryk of Ivano-Frankivsk region Frankivsk City Council, etc.), as well as other schools of the region. The Department maintained close constructive and creative ties with such structural units of pedagogical education as research institutes of higher education and institutions dealing with the problems of learning and education at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Scientists of the Department carried out an annual expert evaluation of textbooks for the New Ukrainian School, closely cooperating with the Institute for Modernization of the Content of Education (Kyiv). The teaching staff of the Department maintained active scientific and educational ties with the teams of the Departments: Kyiv National Pedagogical University named after M. Drahomanov, Ternopil State Pedagogical University named after V. Hnatyuk, Chernivtsi National University named after Yu. Fedkovych, Southern Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. Ushinskyi, Mykolaiv National University named after V. Sukhomlynskyi, Izmail State Humanitarian University. An important direction of the Department’s work was its systematic and consistent cooperation with institutions of higher education abroad (Krakow Pedagogical University named after the Commission of National Education and Jan Dlugosz University of Humanities and Natural Sciences in Częstochowa (Poland)).

In January 2023, as a result of the reorganization, the Departments of Pedagogy of Primary Education and Professional Methods and Technologies of Primary Education were merged. The head of the newly created Department of Primary Education was appointed prof. R. Ya. Romanyshyn.

Nowadays (2023), training of specialists in the field of primary education is provided by 38 teachers: 21 professors, doctors of science, 17 associate professors, candidates of science, senior laboratory assistant I. I. Nasedkina.

The Department of Primary Education is a graduate department providing the educational and professional program “Primary Education” of the first (Bachelor’s) level of higher education in the specialty 013 “Primary Education”) (the guarantor of the educational program is Associate Professor O. I. Kilichenko), the second (Master’s) (guarantor of the educational program – Prof. N.I. Lutsan), third (Doctoral/Educational and Scientific) level of higher education in the specialty “Professional Education” (by specialization) (guarantor of the educational program – Prof. O. P. Tsyunyak). However, we are not going to stop on that.

The efforts of the teaching team (I. B. Bai, S. B. Barylo, G. V. Bilavych, N. M. Blagun, T. O. Blyznyuk, O. B. Budnyk, S. V. Verbeshchuk, L. M. Vysochan, I. M. Humenyuk, O. S. Derkachova, S. Yu. Dovbenko, O. Ya. Dovgiy, S. R. Zamrozevych, L. V. Iliychuk, T. B. Kachak, O. V. Kachmar, O. I. Kilichenko, M. V. Klepar, P. M. Koval, O. S. Kondur, M. S. Kopchuk-Kashetska, T. M. Kotyk, N. I. Lutsan, N. B. Maksymenko, N. O. Matveeva, L. B. Nakonechna, M. P. Oliyar, L. S. Pletenytska, R. Ya. Romanishyn, G. A. Rusyn, L. V. Slyvka, A. V. Struk, S. E. Ushnevych,, L. I. Khimchuk, O. P. Tsyunyak, I. B. Chervinska, K. V. Fomin) are aimed at the professional training of the future primary school teachers who possesses the fundamental knowledge and relevant competencies necessary for solving complex specialized tasks, scientific research tasks in the professional and pedagogical practice of primary school, with creative pedagogical thinking, the ability for innovative activities and self-development.

The Department of Primary Education is currently working on the development of a number of scientific and research topics, the purpose of which is to increase the efficiency of the educational process. This is facilitated by conferences, seminars, trainings in which both scientists and practicing teachers and students participate. Members of the Department are involved in work in commissions and author’s groups of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance, numerous international projects.

Modernization of the primary school specialist training system is facilitated by numerous mandatory and optional components of the “Primary Education” educational programs of the first (Bachelor’s) and second (Master’s) levels of higher education in specialty 013 “Primary Education”.

The teaching staff of the Department involves students in active volunteering, through participation in various charitable actions, they form civic-patriotic qualities and eternal values in students of higher education.

The representatives of the Department are working on improving the educational and professional program “Primary Education” of the first (Bachelor’s) and second (Master’s) levels in the direction of launching additional specializations, as well as on the creation of new educational programs that will meet the new challenges faced by Ukrainian education and reforms in primary school.

Prepared by Galyna Bilavych

Translated by Tetyana Blyznyuk