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Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Elementary Education and Educational Innovations |
Member of the editorial board of the scientific bulletin of Mukachevo State University, series “Pedagogy and Psychology”, collection of scientific works “Modern information technologies and innovative teaching methods in the training of specialists: methodology, theory, experience, problems” – Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi, Scientific and Pedagogical of the journal “Educational Horizons” (former name – “Obrii”) of Vasyl Stefanyk Prykarpattia National University.individual topic of the GDR: “Theoretical and methodical foundations of natural science training of future primary school teachers.” Within the framework of the departmental topic “Training of future specialists in the conditions of the formation of a pan-European educational space”, I am working on improving the content, forms and methods of training primary school teachers in the working conditions of the NUS. Participant of the Scientific and Methodological Center “University of the Gifted Child”, which operates at the Science Park “Prykarpattia University” and held classes with children of different age groups, arranged about 6 master classes in the general technical direction (Eco School), conducted excursions, other events involving students 1st and 3rd year and 1st year masters. Member of the NGO Scientific Center of Didactics, Management of Education “International Foundation of Scientists and Educators”.
Web of Sсience
- Griban, G., Bosenko, A., Asauliuk, I., Topchii, M., Vysochan, L., Zamrozevuch-Shadrina, S., Orlyk, N., Pilipchuk, P., Skyrda, T., Bloshchynskyi, I., &Shcherbatiuk, N. (2022). Professional and Communicative competence of physical education instructors in postmodern education. Postmodern Openings, 13(4), 158 -186. https://doi.org/10.18662/po/13.4/512 https:// lumenpublishing.com/ journals/index.php/po/issue/view/13-4_2022
- Bilyk, V., Udovychenko, I., Vysochan, L., Kyrylenko, K., Stetsula, N., & Gvozdii, S. (2022). Modernization of Natural Science Education in the Context of Teacher Training.( Модернізація природничо-наукової освіти в контексті підготовки вчителів.)Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala , 14(1Sup1), 25-48. https://doi.org/10.18662/rrem/14.1Sup1/535 Published 2022-03-24 https://lumenpublishing.com/journals/index.php/rrem/article/view/4143
Individual monographs
1.Vysochan, L. M. (2020). Natural science training of primary school teachers: theoretical and methodical principles. Ivano-Frankivsk: NAIR
Sections of monographs
- Vysochan, L. M. (2015). The role of the primary school teacher in the development of health-preserving pedagogy. In N. I. Lutsan (Ed.), Competency approach in modern primary education: experience and perspectives (pp. 202209). Ivano-Frankivsk: NAIR.
- Vysochan, L. M. (2018). .Organization of the work of younger schoolchildren with handouts as a pedagogical problem. In M. P. Oliyar (Ed.), The mountain school in the context of reforming the education system: the competence vector (p. 96110). Ivano-Frankivsk: Suprun V.P.
- Vysochan L.M. Implementation of an innovative educational paradigm in mountain schools of the Ukrainian Carpathians. For science. ed. Ph.D.Sc. Oliyar M.P., State Higher Secondary School “PNU named after V. Stefanyka”. – Ivano-Frankivsk: Suprun V.P., 2019, — P.105-119
Lesya Vysochan teaches the courses “Methodology of science education”, “Textbook development in primary education”, “Actual problems of teaching subjects of science and mathematics in primary school”, “Peculiarities of conducting lessons in a small school” manages course and master’s theses.Lesya Vysochan created and manages the student scientific group “We and Nature”. Within the scope of the group’s work, students prepare projects and conduct scientific research. The results of scientific work with students are the participation of members of the circle in scientific conferences, scientific and methodical seminars.